About Us

Founded in 2021, Advanced Global Business is offering professional advice, guidance, and actionable solutions to businesses experiencing organizational, managerial and Operational challenges and issues they can’t deal with in-house.

Code of Conduct
What you can expect from us:
1 - Act with high ethical standard.
2 - Strive for excellence in our work and services.
3 - Deal fairly and honestly with our business partners and service providers.
4 - Treat our business partners with courtesy, dignity and without favour.
5 - Communicate intentions clearly and encourage collaboration and teamwork.
6- Respond to reasonable requests for advice and information without delay.
7 - Protect commercial-in-confidence information.
8 - Ask questions when they have doubts about whether something is right.
9 - Report issues that do not seem right.
What we expect from you:
1 - Act ethically and honestly in all dealings with us.
2 - Disclose any conflicts of interest and report any unethical behaviour
3 - Prevent the disclosure of privileged or confidential information

Mohammed Bouchelaghem
Founder & managing Director
Our Values